About us
MW&L is one of 2200 not-for-profit public power utilities in the United States. MW&L is governed by a five member Board of Trustees. These Morrisville citizens volunteer their time and expertise to advise the MW&L staff and set policy for the department. Their meetings are open to the public and are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 857 Elmore Street beginning at 5:30 PM. The Trustees serve for five-year terms and are elected at the annual Village Meeting. Current Trustees are: Robert Heanue (Chairman), Brad Limoge (Clerk), Carl Fortune, Travis Knapp and Thomas Snipp.
• MW&L is a department of the Village of Morrisville. As a member of the community, MW&L continues to move Morrisville toward its vision of a vibrant economy and an excellent, sustainable quality of life.
• MW&L employs dedicated, motivated individuals who are highly proficient, creative, adaptable, ethical, and supportive of public power.
• MW&L makes decisions through public participation and local control. Meetings are conducted according to open meeting law in an effort to maximize local input.
• MW&L operates on a not-for-profit basis. Revenue will be sufficient to cover costs and ensure the viability of the operation.
• MW&L works with all of its customers in a fair and equitable manner that is responsive to their individual concerns. MW&L makes decisions that are in the best long-term interest of the Village.
• MW&L treats the environment with the utmost respect and uses its influence to impact decisions and enhancement of environmental quality, the use of renewable resources, and the sustainability of Morrisville.
Get in touch
Do you have concerns about your electric or water usage? Contact us and we will be happy to discuss your bill. We can also get you set up with autopay or our monthly budget billing plan.