powering our community



Residential S1

Customer Charge             $9.12/month

0-100 kWh (NYPA)          $0.08770/kWh

+ 100 kWh                        $0.16150/kWh

EEU Charge                      $0.01115/kWh

Click here for the full S1 Tariff


Commercial S2

Customer Charge               $11.77/month

kWh                                    $0.16308/kWh

EEU Charge                       $0.01008/kWh

Click here for the full S2 Tariff 


Large Commercial Demand Rate S2a 

Customer Charge             $51.11/month

kWh                                  $0.13393/kWh

KW                                   $9.95/KW

EEU Charge                      $0.00640/kWh plus

EEU Charge                      $1.34343/KW

Click here for the full S2A Tariff 


Industrial S3

Customer Charge             $221.24/month

kWh                                  $0.11897/kWh

KW                                   $14.15/KW

EEU Charge                     $0.00519/kWh plus

EEU Charge                     $1.10773/KW

Click here for the full S3 Tariff 


Municipal Street Lighting S4 

High Pressure Sodium 

70 Watt                      $11.71/month

100 Watt                    $13.27/month

250 Watt                    $23.01/month

400 Watt                    $33.77/month

EEU Charge                $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

Mercury Vapor

100 Watt                $15.23/month

175 Watt                 $16.68/month

250 Watt                $25.22/month

400 Watt                $36.30/month

1000 Watt              $75.12/month

EEU Charge            $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

LED Lighting

30 LED - 56 Watt          $7.29/ month

60 LED - 109 Watt        $13.41/month

EEU Charge                   $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

Click here for the full S4 Tariff 


Residential T.O.D. S7

Customer Charge       $13.97/month

0-50 kWh (NYPA)      $0.08770/kWh

+50 Peak                    $0.18725/kWh

+50 Off-Peak             $0.13036/kWh

EEU Charge               $0.01115/kWh

Click here for the full S7 Tariff 


Commercial T.O.D. S8 

Customer Charge     $12.21/month

kWh Peak                 $0.19409/kWh

kWh Off-Peak           $0.12324/kWh

EEU Charge              $0.01008/kWh

Click here for the full S8 Tariff 


Industrial T.O.D. S9

(As defined by MW&L)

Customer Charge      $128.48/month

kWh Peak                  $0.20735/kWh

kWh Off-Peak           $0.10677/kWh

KW                           $16.72/KW

EEU Charge              $0.00519/kWh plus

EEU Charge              $1.10773/KW

Click here for the full S9 Tariff 


Security Lighting S10

High Pressure Sodium

70 Watt                $11.71/month

100 Watt              $13.27/month

250 Watt              $23.01/month

400 Watt              $33.77/month

EEU Charge          $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

Mercury Vapor

100 Watt             $15.23/month

175 Watt             $16.68/month

250 Watt            $25.22/month

400 Watt            $36.30/month

1000 Watt          $75.12/month

EEU Charge        $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

LED Lighting

30 LED - 56 Watt          $7.29/ month

60 LED - 109 Watt        $13.41/month

EEU Charge                   $0.01008/kWh, determined by multiplying the light wattage by 360 hours/month

Click here for the full S10 Tariff 


Residential Demand S11

Customer Charge             $15.86/month

0-100 kWh (NYPA)          $0.08770/kWh

+100 kWh                         $0.12247/kWh

KW                                    $6.10/KW

EEU Charge                      $0.01115/kWh

Click here for the full S11 Tariff